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by Love Rabbit 2020. 1. 11.



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Displaying the Stock Overview

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The stock overview gives you an overview of the stocks of the material across all organizational levels. This is the difference between this method and the views Plant Stock and Storage Location Stock in the material master, which only give you an overview of the stocks for a specific plant or storage location.


  1. Choose Logistics Materials Management Material Master Stock Overview.

  2. Specify a Display Version and under Selection of Display Levels select the stocks that you want to display.

  3. Enter further selection criteria and choose Execute.

    You see a basic list that gives you an overview of the stocks at all created organizational levels that match your selection criteria.

The following table contains an overview of the most important functions that are available in the basic list.

FunctionMenu Path/IconWhat You Need to Know

Display stock for a specific organizational level

Double-click on the icon for an organizational level, or place the cursor on an organizational level and choose Detailed Display.

For example, if you place the cursor on a specific plant, you see a dialog box with all the stocks for this plant.

Display details for a stock type

Double-click on the icon for a stock type, or place the cursor on a stock type and choose Detailed Display.

For example, if you place the cursor on vendor consignment stock, you see a dialog box with all the consignment stocks, sorted by vendor.

Display the alternative units of measure that are defined for the material

Choose Extras Allowed Units of Measure


Display stocks in alternative unit of measure

In the Unit of Meas. field, enter the alternative unit of measure and choose New Selection.


Display classification of individual batches

Place the cursor on a batch and choose Extras Batch Classification.


Call stock overview for a different material

In the Material field, enter the material and choose New Selection.


* 기타 참고

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